Sep 4Liked by Unskool

“Marxists don’t like facts. They like power. The attack on reason is an attack on God.

God-fearing people need to seriously think about that.”

❤️ IT👏

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Marxist will burn forever in the “Eternal Lake of Fire”. It is written….

They do not know God nor do they fear his wrath. They are in for a horrific surprise, when they meet the face of Almighty God.

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Sep 4Liked by Unskool

A friend of mine, who left the teaching profession, used to say to me… John, the government school system is now what was intended from the beginning… Communistic

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Sounds like employees of the Dept of Agriculture. The older ones thought Bush’s corrupt appointments were so terrible, they cling to their commutard replacements. Orange man is bad for trying to winnow the ranks, where six do the work of one. And they’ll believe the lies of the string pullers behind BidenHarris without question.

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Thank you for posting this. It needs to be printed in the Wall Street Journal. I was a teacher for 40 years and gradually saw changes. I left before it was so radically changed. I now see young adults who truly lack critical thinking skills. My heart hurts. America was blinded to the gradual take over. I pray every day God will return to America with His war angels and save us. So many do not know who God is and our nation is headed for destruction. Our leaders have betrayed America and its people and we the people were to busy working, raising children and not paying attention. Life has been good in America and we thought we could not lose ever lose it. Well, we are losing it now. And they, Pelosi, Clinton, Obama, Bush, Shummer Rice, and the rest laugh behind our backs as they hate God and bring the demons into our country.

READ TODAY : 2 Chronicles 7:14.

PRAY— Repent for our ignorance, and ask God to come back to America . We, as a country allowed our leaders to kick God out of our schools and government, and then Satan was invited into our schools and into our homes with trashy TV programing and crooked, lying greedy politicians . May God have mercy on those who love Him. We are in a war against Satan, and it won’t be easy to win. Stand up for true American God given values and do as DJT STATES, FIGHT. FIGHT FIGHT the Evil upon us.

WAKE UP AMERICA. SEE TRUTH. Turn your brain on to thinking and ALERT or you will be living under evil President XI very soon and own nothing, not even a car, a home, or the clothes on your back, THEY, the government will own you- even your soul unless you die for God.

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Communism/Socialism in schools is phrased as such: "Is it fair that Jimmy being bigger than you, only gets one sandwich for lunch?" or "Is it fair that Lilly only has one suit of clothes?"

They never go into the past 60 years, where 60 million people + died of communist starvation in Russia, China, Cuba, etc.

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Maybe Communism has been used to Depopulate ?

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And when you get up from your knees follow the teachings of Christ, not your local minister who is apparently lost.

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The "resistance" has been monetized. . . and is therefore no longer a resistance.

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Thanks for the informative article. And of course it doesn't help that leftist atrocities are falsely projected onto the right.

National Socialism is NOT Right-Wing

How the deceptive mislabeling of fascism and Nazism distorts modern politics


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Except fascism is an excellent economic system to maintain a strong nation. You can also remove the ethnic aspects that seem to offend people and it still is a solid system.

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What would you say the "fascist economic system" is?

If we interpret "fascism" to include various Latin strong man, the only form of functional "fascism" is capitalism supported by a strong man who keeps the people from voting themselves free money.

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If one challenges these people, they fold like a cheap suit. Their answers are as substantial as rice paper, all returns to “power,” nothing more. As in “I admit to being evil, but I have the power to fire you, or jail you, or shame you.”

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Sorry to say this, but this war has already been lost. Parents abdicated their responsibilities and ignored what public schools were doing for the last three decades. You simply can not undo that damage in a few election cycles.

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REAGAN is a good movie to see in theaters currently. As I left the theater, I thought about Congressional lifers like Biden, Shumer, and Pelosi who were actively working against American ideals throughout the Reagan years. The USA fell decades ago. Those who destroyed it are confident they can complete the Marxist takeover now.

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We will fight fight fight the evil upon us now with God on our side.

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What happened to the aspect of kids to rebel against authority? If my boss tried to do anything similar to me even today I qoikd tell them to get bent and walk. Kids don't have the ability to determine boundaries anymore?

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And mao killed them too

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Madison, Sterling, Economics

Look it up.

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The mayor doesn’t seem to be the brightest bulb in the box...the lawsuit settlement may enlighten him though.

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I toured the Jack Daniels Distillery years ago and one of the things that impressed me was the fact that there was no time clock. You would work 40 hours a week I guess it was on the honor system. I'm sure the "time clock" has been added. Honor is something that has seemed to disappear as time goes by. Thinking your way is the best and only way is NOT the only way. It is simple Gods way and Gods ten commandments.

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